alisha joshi kolkata
Diya Chawla
  • Diya Chawla
  • Age 22
  • Height 162cm
  • Weight 55kg
  • Figure 32-34-36
  • Bust Size 34B
  • Smoking Yes
  • Drinking No
  • Ethnicity Punjabi
  • Languages Hindi & Punjabi
  • Availability InCall & OutCall
  • Rating 4 Star
About Profile

Diya Chawla — Kolkata

Hello all, my name is Diya Chawla and I am a 22-year-old gorgeous and sexy full-time girl in Kolkata. I have a small body, and my best feature is my huge booty. My customers frequently compliment my huge booty. My skin is as smooth as glass, and my hair reaches all the way to my waist. You will really like me after seeing me and want to spend time with me.

If you want to spend your day with a Punjabi call girl in Kolkata. Then I am the best option for you. Because I am your best Kolkata escorts, you can have fun and enjoyment with me. If you are in Kolkata and want to meet a Punjabi girl? Then call me and schedule a meeting with us. I will make your trip to Kolkata worthwhile. You would want to return to Kolkata because I will do everything you desire; I have never failed to meet my customers’ expectations I consistently exceed my clients’ expectations.

If you want the greatest call girl in a toad with the largest bust and the lowest waist? Call Kolkata escort Services for Kolkata escorts and contact me. Diya Chawla charge reasonable rates based on time and location. I am a highly prompt and obedient person and always follow through on whatever my customer requests. I have a simple attitude and work extremely professionally.

What are you waiting for? Take advantage of your opportunity to have fun with me since I am one of the most attractive females in the city. Call me right away, and I will set you up on a date and offer you with the greatest Punjabi escorts in Kolkata. I offer both in-home and out-of-home services. So don’t waste you time just get in touch to avail the services.